Irit Drob
Urban Wildlife Photographer
Nature Photos for sale
Jackals & other wild animals in Tel Aviv
Urban nature & wildlife photography
Participation in the Nature Photo Exhibition: A picture of nature # 5, which is presented alongside the Wildlife Photographer Of The Year 56 exhibition (two photographs were selected to participate in) - Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv (March 2021)
Sole exhibition "Yarkon park – A vanishing urban nature". In the Government Offices Compound (2019).
Participating in a shared exhibition about "urban nature in Yarkon park" - Sponsored by Yehoshua Gardens (2018-2019).
Sole exhibition " Yarkon park – A vanishing urban nature". Took place in the Museum of Man and Animal life" (2018).
Photo of a hoopoe and a jackal exhibited in the UN, New York (2017).
Shared exhibition about love, in the interest of the youth of the municipality in Givataim shopping mall (2017).
Sole exhibition “wild nature in the big city - Yarkon park”. Took place in Yahalom Theatre Sponsored by Ramat Gan Municipality Department of the Veterinary – Shefa (2017).